Watch the weather report!!!! Hurricane Fay is out there - only Mother Nature knows which way she will go! If you read this soon enough - Highlands Storage does have some units available. Be quick and get all the items out of your yard, if you dont have room in the house - get them over to Highlands Storage immediately and store them for whatever time period you need. They rent the units on a month to month basis. A few dollars today could save you or your neighbors alot of money, stress, and time! Flying debris is dangerous!!!
Visit us today and get your unit quickly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Luck and lets hope Fay decides to go a different way!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Major Tip for the Day!
highlands storage,
south lakeland,
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Prepare for Hurrican Season and More!
Many of us have weathered years of hurricane activity in Lakeland Florida and the surrounding areas of Bartow and Highland City. We find ourselves in the midst of another hurricane season (July – November), in which the forecasters are calling for an above average season! Just what we do not need!
I still have terrible memories of the year 3 Hurricanes crossed our path in a short amount of time! Seems like just as we began cleaning up from one – here came the next! I think many of us had become complacent with all the warnings and watches of previous years, that many people did not prepare at all.
This year I hope many people will heed the warnings and even prepare before any come our way. I have already had all our yard work and trees trimmed. The yard is cleared of unnecessary items. Yes, I did leave some basics out, of course. I am sure I will need the hose and trashcans in between now and a possible storm! The porch has been cleared of those items collected when you have children and just the basic furniture is left to deal with in an emergency situation.
Luckily, I have a garage to place the few items into when or if a storm heads towards Lakeland, Florida. Unfortunately, I have so much in my garage that my cars won’t fit! Not a good thing. So now comes the dilemma. “What can I do?” I have to determine what is in the best interest personally and financially.
I have cleaned out a lot of the “gunk” in the garage that has been collected by family members. There is still not enough room to protect my cars if a hurricane passes thru Lakeland. So the next question I have to ask myself is, “Do I really need all these things?” The mother in me says “NO!” “Now what do I do with the items I can part with?” If I lived in a subdivision that allowed garage sales – that would be my answer. But I don’t. I used to donate a majority of the items I wanted to get rid of – then again I look at the economy and another question forms. “Should I try to sell the items and get a little cash?” Ugh, that’s right can’t have a garage sale.
Back to the previous question then, “What do I do?” I guess the answer right now would be to move the items to a storage unit for safekeeping. Highlands Storage is right down the road and they provide inside climate controlled units and allow me access to my items 24/7. This will keep my items safe and yet I can go retrieve anything I need, anytime I want!
So, once I move the items to the storage unit, I will have space in my garage to park the cars and keep them safe during hurricane season. This will protect my cars from possible severe damage from flying debris if South Lakeland is in the path of another hurricane.
Another positive to moving the items to storage is the children will probably forget about a number of the items they just “HAVE” to keep! Out of sight out of mind may help me in the long run get rid of some more items. Unfortunately, it does not solve the “No Garage Sale” dilemma. Oh! But I have an idea, “what if” Highlands Storage had an inside Garage Sale one weekend? I think I found the answer. I cannot be the only person in all these subdivisions that wants to have a garage sale! Now, comes the organization of a new idea.
If you live in South Lakeland Florida and are interested in participating in an indoor garage sale – Highlands Storage in South Lakeland off 98 South, behind Barry Motor Sports and just down from the new Publix in Highland City, is going to start taking a list of persons interested so they can schedule a garage sale!! Yeah! You can reach them at 863-644-2391 or 863-644-2701 or email them at
I feel like I have accomplished a lot just sitting here and writing my blog today! I started with preparing for the 2008 Hurricane season to finding a place to have my garage sale! Today is going to be a good day.
I started this blog to go on my Inside Lakeland Florida Blog, but now I think it will be posted on about 3 blogs. Highlands Storage wants to include it in their tips blog and I think I will place it in my personal one too!
I still have terrible memories of the year 3 Hurricanes crossed our path in a short amount of time! Seems like just as we began cleaning up from one – here came the next! I think many of us had become complacent with all the warnings and watches of previous years, that many people did not prepare at all.
This year I hope many people will heed the warnings and even prepare before any come our way. I have already had all our yard work and trees trimmed. The yard is cleared of unnecessary items. Yes, I did leave some basics out, of course. I am sure I will need the hose and trashcans in between now and a possible storm! The porch has been cleared of those items collected when you have children and just the basic furniture is left to deal with in an emergency situation.
Luckily, I have a garage to place the few items into when or if a storm heads towards Lakeland, Florida. Unfortunately, I have so much in my garage that my cars won’t fit! Not a good thing. So now comes the dilemma. “What can I do?” I have to determine what is in the best interest personally and financially.
I have cleaned out a lot of the “gunk” in the garage that has been collected by family members. There is still not enough room to protect my cars if a hurricane passes thru Lakeland. So the next question I have to ask myself is, “Do I really need all these things?” The mother in me says “NO!” “Now what do I do with the items I can part with?” If I lived in a subdivision that allowed garage sales – that would be my answer. But I don’t. I used to donate a majority of the items I wanted to get rid of – then again I look at the economy and another question forms. “Should I try to sell the items and get a little cash?” Ugh, that’s right can’t have a garage sale.
Back to the previous question then, “What do I do?” I guess the answer right now would be to move the items to a storage unit for safekeeping. Highlands Storage is right down the road and they provide inside climate controlled units and allow me access to my items 24/7. This will keep my items safe and yet I can go retrieve anything I need, anytime I want!
So, once I move the items to the storage unit, I will have space in my garage to park the cars and keep them safe during hurricane season. This will protect my cars from possible severe damage from flying debris if South Lakeland is in the path of another hurricane.
Another positive to moving the items to storage is the children will probably forget about a number of the items they just “HAVE” to keep! Out of sight out of mind may help me in the long run get rid of some more items. Unfortunately, it does not solve the “No Garage Sale” dilemma. Oh! But I have an idea, “what if” Highlands Storage had an inside Garage Sale one weekend? I think I found the answer. I cannot be the only person in all these subdivisions that wants to have a garage sale! Now, comes the organization of a new idea.
If you live in South Lakeland Florida and are interested in participating in an indoor garage sale – Highlands Storage in South Lakeland off 98 South, behind Barry Motor Sports and just down from the new Publix in Highland City, is going to start taking a list of persons interested so they can schedule a garage sale!! Yeah! You can reach them at 863-644-2391 or 863-644-2701 or email them at
I feel like I have accomplished a lot just sitting here and writing my blog today! I started with preparing for the 2008 Hurricane season to finding a place to have my garage sale! Today is going to be a good day.
I started this blog to go on my Inside Lakeland Florida Blog, but now I think it will be posted on about 3 blogs. Highlands Storage wants to include it in their tips blog and I think I will place it in my personal one too!
climate controlled,
garage sale,
highland city,
highlands storage,
south lakeland,
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The Upside of Downsizing Your Business
So, you need to down-size your office due to the weak economy. Realizing that it is only a matter of time until things turn around, you don't want to get rid of furniture, extra supplies, and office equipment. After all, these will come in handy when the situation improves, and would be costly to replace. Whether you need to store complete offices, cubicles, or just a few desks and computers, Highlands Executive Storage could be your answer. Maybe you only need to store that favorite chair or some decorative items and files. No matter if it is a little or a lot, self-storage can be the answer to your dilemma.
A client entering a business that contains several unoccupied desks, with little or no activity around some of the office equipment, may deduce that this is a company that is hurting. Not the impression you want to create.
If you own the building or cannot move to smaller quarters due to your lease, by storing the extra furniture temporarily you can create an inviting and spacious office. Re-arrange the remaining furniture, using area rugs to cover obvious marks from previous furniture placement, if necessary. This would be a great time to apply a fresh coat of paint to the walls, and add a new plant or two. A BUSINESS THAT IS OBVIOUSLY COMFORTABLE WITH ITSELF INSPIRES CONFIDENCE IN ITS EMPLOYEES, CLIENTS AND CUSTOMERS.
As the economy improves, you can bring back individual pieces from your storage unit. This is another great feature with self-storage, you control the pace at which you re-build your business, and that's a good feeling.
While in a conservative mode, this might be a good time to use newly created space for things you only dreamed about before. For instance, establishing an area for children to play or read, maybe a spot for watching TV or playing video games, what ever might be suitable for your type of business.
A client entering a business that contains several unoccupied desks, with little or no activity around some of the office equipment, may deduce that this is a company that is hurting. Not the impression you want to create.
If you own the building or cannot move to smaller quarters due to your lease, by storing the extra furniture temporarily you can create an inviting and spacious office. Re-arrange the remaining furniture, using area rugs to cover obvious marks from previous furniture placement, if necessary. This would be a great time to apply a fresh coat of paint to the walls, and add a new plant or two. A BUSINESS THAT IS OBVIOUSLY COMFORTABLE WITH ITSELF INSPIRES CONFIDENCE IN ITS EMPLOYEES, CLIENTS AND CUSTOMERS.
As the economy improves, you can bring back individual pieces from your storage unit. This is another great feature with self-storage, you control the pace at which you re-build your business, and that's a good feeling.
While in a conservative mode, this might be a good time to use newly created space for things you only dreamed about before. For instance, establishing an area for children to play or read, maybe a spot for watching TV or playing video games, what ever might be suitable for your type of business.
climate controlled,
highland city,
highlands storage,
south lakeland,
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
You know you need a self-storage unit when.....
1. ...your husband notices that your shared closet no longer has room for his clothes.
2. ...grandchildren get upset because their "toy closet" now has only one shelf. The rest of the space is taken up with Grandma's stuff!
3. keep your holiday decorations up all year because there is no place to store them. This is not so bad, until you find yourself combining Christmas, Halloween, and Easter! O, what a tangled web we weave when we put bunnies and bats on our Christmas trees.
4. ...relatives come to visit and have to share sleeping quarters with prized magazines, lovely old jars, "vintage" clothing, and the odds and ends that you know will come in handy someday.
5. discover your spare room has become a walk-in closet.
6. ...your grown children point out that it would be nice to visit without having to sidestep around so much STUFF.
7. find yourself on the verge of giving away something you would prefer to keep, a potential family heirloom, perhaps.
2. ...grandchildren get upset because their "toy closet" now has only one shelf. The rest of the space is taken up with Grandma's stuff!
3. keep your holiday decorations up all year because there is no place to store them. This is not so bad, until you find yourself combining Christmas, Halloween, and Easter! O, what a tangled web we weave when we put bunnies and bats on our Christmas trees.
4. ...relatives come to visit and have to share sleeping quarters with prized magazines, lovely old jars, "vintage" clothing, and the odds and ends that you know will come in handy someday.
5. discover your spare room has become a walk-in closet.
6. ...your grown children point out that it would be nice to visit without having to sidestep around so much STUFF.
7. find yourself on the verge of giving away something you would prefer to keep, a potential family heirloom, perhaps.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Dictionary of Frequently Used Storage Terms
Packratitis - The ability to secrete an incredible number of items in a secure space in the event that it may someday be needed. Some people mistakenly believe this malady to be untreatable…..not so. Treatment is readily available. Highlands Executive Storage can provide the perfect remedy - a "just-right sized storage unit"!
Squirrel Syndrome - so named because individuals with symptoms of this are often called "nuts". However, they are truly inspired when it comes to finding nooks and crannies in which to store the darndest things. But even they eventually run out of space, and that is when Highlands Executive Storage comes to the rescue. By squirreling away some of their precious stash in a readily accessible storage unit, they can resume the fun of tucking things away in creative places at home, without having to get rid of anything.
Hoard-aholic - If one whatchamacallit is good, then five must be better, this is the rationale of the hoard-aholic. Someday there may be a shortage of whatchamacallits, and by gosh, this guy is going to be ready! Now, if you are living with someone with hoarding instincts, it would be a good idea to check out the storage units at Highlands Executive Storage and periodically move some of the more cumbersome widgets into storage. Note: It is best to do this when the hoard-aholic is not at home, and try to take things from the bottom or back of the piles. A true hoard-aholic is going to notice, however, so you must be ready to present him with his very own storage unit key.
Clutter Mania - This extreme condition may require surgery. Yes, it can progress to a point where relief can only be obtained by "cutting out" the clutter. This need not be painful or traumatic. Just gather up the excess items and bring them to a unit at Highlands Executive Storage for safekeeping and return home, stress and clutter free. If the cluttering maniac misses the clutter too much, suggest she comfort herself with a visit to her storage unit, touching base with her prized possessions. A word to the wise, "Be vigilant - clutterers may try to sneak some items back home."
Squirrel Syndrome - so named because individuals with symptoms of this are often called "nuts". However, they are truly inspired when it comes to finding nooks and crannies in which to store the darndest things. But even they eventually run out of space, and that is when Highlands Executive Storage comes to the rescue. By squirreling away some of their precious stash in a readily accessible storage unit, they can resume the fun of tucking things away in creative places at home, without having to get rid of anything.
Hoard-aholic - If one whatchamacallit is good, then five must be better, this is the rationale of the hoard-aholic. Someday there may be a shortage of whatchamacallits, and by gosh, this guy is going to be ready! Now, if you are living with someone with hoarding instincts, it would be a good idea to check out the storage units at Highlands Executive Storage and periodically move some of the more cumbersome widgets into storage. Note: It is best to do this when the hoard-aholic is not at home, and try to take things from the bottom or back of the piles. A true hoard-aholic is going to notice, however, so you must be ready to present him with his very own storage unit key.
Clutter Mania - This extreme condition may require surgery. Yes, it can progress to a point where relief can only be obtained by "cutting out" the clutter. This need not be painful or traumatic. Just gather up the excess items and bring them to a unit at Highlands Executive Storage for safekeeping and return home, stress and clutter free. If the cluttering maniac misses the clutter too much, suggest she comfort herself with a visit to her storage unit, touching base with her prized possessions. A word to the wise, "Be vigilant - clutterers may try to sneak some items back home."
climate controlled,
highlands storage,
Packing supplies Storage,
Friday, May 2, 2008
Organize Before You Pack
Take the time to organize and prepare before packing your personal belongings. Make sure that you have all the necessary supplies handy prior to starting the packing process. Some items to have readily available:

Pretty basic beginners list but if you are like me, I always forget something, like the tape!
If you are packing an entire home your list of necessities will be longer. Mattresses really need to be stored inside mattress bags, so add that to your list.
Ziploc bags are another great useful item when packing. Small items such as furniture screws can be placed in the bag and labeled as to which piece of furniture they belong. Definitely an item to have available.
Separate the items to be packed by category this will be very beneficial when you want to find the item again. You don't want to have to look inside every box in storage for that one item you really need!
Tip: Organize and Prepare for the packing process.

Packing Paper or Bubble wrap
Tape gun and tape
Pretty basic beginners list but if you are like me, I always forget something, like the tape!
If you are packing an entire home your list of necessities will be longer. Mattresses really need to be stored inside mattress bags, so add that to your list.
Ziploc bags are another great useful item when packing. Small items such as furniture screws can be placed in the bag and labeled as to which piece of furniture they belong. Definitely an item to have available.
Separate the items to be packed by category this will be very beneficial when you want to find the item again. You don't want to have to look inside every box in storage for that one item you really need!
Tip: Organize and Prepare for the packing process.
climate controlled,
highlands storage,
Packing supplies,
Monday, April 28, 2008
Welcome to Highlands Storage Lakeland Florida Storage Tips
Welcome to our storage tips blog. We are in the process of adding blogs to assist our Lakeland Florida storage customers with ideas for safely storing their belongings with us.
Please check back
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